Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CAUTION!!!! How dare you put HALLE BERRY through this GAB!!! tisk tisk

  We all now you can be independent and raise your child into bright successful human being without or with his daddy or mommys help.  Single parents have been raising superstars for as long as I can remember. Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and even Alicia Keys grew up with in single parent homes and didn't turn out to bad if you ask me.
Gabriel Aubry Halle Berry Kim Kardashian

 But, what if the dad is in the picture and is willing and able to care for the baby????. Remember you are now stuck with this person his future relationships, his family, his friends they all have the option to come in contact with your child. SO ANNNNOYIINNNGGG!!!! I completely understand Halle's pain. Kim is fab we all know this but around my child ughhh no I will pass.

And poor Halle doesnt want baby Nahla in the spotlight and Gab wants to bring her on Kim's show soooooo rude and Halle pretty much has no say he is the baby daddy smh...careful who you decide to share a life with that baby is a lifetime commitment and now  Halle has to live with the embarassing stunts of model boy toy Gabriel.

Gabriel, Halle is the reason for your existence, the only  reason Kim's black boy loving behind wants you. Please stop with the slow torture and stop trying to extend your 15minutes of fame!!!! SOOO OVER YOU

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